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Second Opinions
We understand that sometimes individuals have reservations about whether a procedure is really necessary or will result in the outcome they expect or are being told. They is generally due to not enough time being spent on educating the individual on their condition, why it happens and what can be done about it beyond just a procedure. Not everyone who we evaluate needs or desires an intervention. Some are very relieved to learn that there are effective medical treatment options or appreciate information regarding things they can do, or should avoid, to limit the extent of symptoms or progression. In additional, realistic expectations need to be set by the vein specialist and understood by the person seeking care.
If you would like to request a second opinion from the OVC, please obtain the following prior to your appointment.
All records from the clinic you were first seen. You maybe asked to sign a waiver.
Any imaging, including ultrasound, CT or MRI reports and copies of the images preferably on a CD.
Complete the OVC new patient forms
Write down any specific questions you would like to discuss during the consultation.
Contact your insurance to confirm if a referral from your health care provider is necessary for the second opinion.
Once you have the above items, contact our office using the link below to arrange an appointment.
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